MUN Resources

Everything you need to prepare for a successful Model UN experience

Rules of Procedure (How debates work)

Understanding the rules of procedure is essential for effective participation in Model UN conferences. These rules govern how debates are conducted and decisions are made.

Conference Structure

Debate Procedures

Resolutions and Voting


Familiarize yourself with the specific rules of procedure for your conference in advance. Different MUN conferences may have slight variations in their rules.

Position Paper Guidelines (How to write them)

A position paper articulates your assigned country's stance on the topics to be discussed in your committee. It's typically structured into three main sections:


  1. Heading: Include the committee name, the country you're representing, and the topics to be addressed.
  2. Introduction: Provide a brief overview of the issue, its significance, and its relevance to your country.
  3. Country's Position on the Topic: Detail your country's perspective, supported by historical context, policies, and relevant data.
  4. Proposed Solutions: Present clear, actionable solutions your country advocates for addressing the issue.
  5. Conclusion: Summarize your country's commitment to resolving the issue and its willingness to collaborate internationally.

Formatting Guidelines


Position papers should reflect your country's actual policies, not your personal opinions. Thorough research is essential to represent your country accurately.

For a comprehensive guide, refer to the National Model United Nations (NMUN) Position Paper Guide.

NMUN Position Paper Guide

Understanding Resolutions (Examples for delegates)

Resolutions are formal documents that express the collective decisions or recommendations of a committee. They consist of:


Formatting Guidelines


Strong resolutions balance ambitious goals with practical implementation. Focus on specific, actionable solutions that address the root causes of issues.

For a detailed explanation and examples of resolutions, consult the "Model UN Made Easy: How to Write a Resolution" guide.

Best Delegate Resolution Guide

MUN Preparation Tips (For first-timers)

Proper preparation is key to a successful Model UN experience. Here are some essential tips to help you prepare:

Before the Conference

During the Conference


It's normal to feel nervous during your first MUN. Focus on learning and improving rather than trying to be perfect. Each conference builds your skills and confidence.

Additional Resources (References & Guides)

Access these valuable resources to enhance your Model UN preparation and performance: